Fan, ännu ett pärlaband som kastar in handduken och tackar för sig... Denna gången är det
Project Hopeless som tyvärr valt att lägga av. Men dom gör det fan i mej med flaggan i topp, för den senaste 7'' är en blivande klassiker och en av årets bästa skivor. Tack för allt och lycka till med vad ni tar er för i framtiden...
We have some sad news that we wanna share, this is from the Project Hopeless myspace:
This is the END!After 9 years of struggling and existence we had to come to the point of puttign down the name to the grave! We've been touring and playing more than we ever expected and are so extremely thankful to all who has supported us in any kind of way that you've done. IT feels extremely sad to call a quits but the situation made us incapable of trying to make this still worthwhile of the sudden changes in the bands in such a short time. Willy had to leave his position after just a couple of months in the band, this was something that lead to the end of our existence! We did feel really bumbed about the fact of Linus's department of the band, but since Willy wanted to take the part we decided to keep it rolling. Now we feel that it's time for something new and that the name as Project Hopeless couldn't keep on with the impersonality of to many changes just to keep the ship floating, we are true to our D.I.Y. spirit and feel that this band and music is more than a band just to keep on forever.
Me (Oskar) and Tom are to keep on playing as a new constellation, but that needs to be done under a new name. We will keep the updates going, that will most likely be more or less the same kind of stuff that we managed to do the last couple of years, guess we're not being able to do anything else together after so many years of hardcore punk madness!
The ideas are already in action, and as oon as we know soem more about the future we'll post some here!
I (Oskar) do have two new bands that's on their way to get their shit together. the first band is called URSUT, we've recorded 6 songs and putting the final touches for the stuff to be available for one and all's enjoyment! The other band called AVFART 33 will as well get some more stuff together and do shows to start with at the Malmö hardcore punk festival the 30:th of January!
The final END of Project Hopeless will be at the Malmö hardcore punk festival the 29:th of January, for the ones interested in a last glimps of the Project Hopeless. As said, me and Tom will keep the banner of D.I.Y. hardcore punk going, and as soon as we have something new to address we will let you all know!
Thanx a million to all of you's who's supported us, come to our shows, bought and supported our records, read our lyrics, spread the word around, booked our shows and tours, made all the great feelings of this punk community actually worth the struggle! You all know who you are and you all know that your part has been a part of a change!Matte P is to be fully respected for handling our shit in the studio. Steve of war for putting the ink on paper for the great artwork of ours. Erik ApA for the super shit of madness and hyper activity, tour support and paintings. Pää our first drummer for getting the shit together as we did. Stefan for handling the drums for the years you did, and making the recording and shows of ours together such a great feeling. Linus fr being the one of learning some people to beat the shit out of a drum kit until you puke a sight worth all of the madness. Willy for putting the effort to the band in the last months. Steve Hyland for your great parts of the band, has been something of a mad change to the shit we did.Thanx to all our great friends who helped us out releasing our records, wouldn't be as great as it turned out without your help!We have a mile long list of people that we wanna thank through over the years, just not possible to get it all to print! We do appreciate you all, you know that!
Cheerio!! / Project Hopeless